Nichtsdestotrotz / Trotzallem

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Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, NICHTSDESTOTROTZ..., Bini Adamczak, 2017/2018
Videostill, NICHTSDESTOTROTZ..., Bini Adamczak, 2017/2018
Videostill, NICHTSDESTOTROTZ..., 2017/2018
Videostill, NICHTSDESTOTROTZ..., 2017/2018
Videostill, NICHTSDESTOTROTZ..., Luise Schröder, 2017/2018
Videostill, NICHTSDESTOTROTZ..., Luise Schröder, 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Videostill, TROTZALLEM..., 2017/2018
Exhibition view, Are you satisfied? at Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany, 2018
Exhibition view, Are you satisfied? at Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany, 2018
Exhibition view, Are you satisfied? at Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany, 2018
Exhibition view, Are you satisfied? at Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany, 2018

NICHTSDESTOTROTZ...lässt sich der Abstand
zur Vergangenheit vermessen es notwendig utopische Momente
und Alternativen immer wieder mit den
gesellschaftlichen Realitäten ins Verhältnis zu setzen

HD-Video, 16:9, 33:35 min.
HD-Video, 16:9, 11:28 min.

viewing copies of videos are available on vimeo
write to the artist for link and password

In her video NICHTSDESTOTROTZ...the distance to the past can be measured, the artist Luise Schröder interviews the author Bini Adamczak about aspects and questions of the Russian Revolution of 1917, about forms of hegemonic historiography, gender constructions, images of women*, solidarity and the unrealized potentials that are invested in the past. The video makes methodological perspectives and approaches of contemporary leftist or feminist research and work visible. A second video TROTZALLEM... tries to relate these approaches to the present and shows statements and short interview sequences with participants of the International Women's Day Demonstration on 8 March 2018 in Leipzig.